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GSCB Starter Band
Concert dates
All GSCB Starter Band concerts and events are listed below. To see a list of concert band dates please see here.​
GSCB Starter Band proudly presents..... It's Big Band Birthday Bash!!!
Saturday 2 November, 2019
Goring Village Hall
The Starter Band is ten years old this year! From modest beginnings in the autumn term of 2009, the band still retains some of its original members as well as being joined since by one or two more... This evening will combine our bi-annual Big Band Night with a celebration of ten years of Starter Band, and we hope to welcome as many friends as possible to join us, from past, present and future, to help us celebrate in the only way we know how - by playing great music!
GSCB Starter Band to Rock the Regatta!!!
Saturday 20 July, 2019
River Thames, upstream of Cleeve Lock, west bank!
The Goring and Streatley Regatta is back! Following a break last year whilst they finished their shiny new boathouse the lovely (and evidently very discerning) organisers have remembered us and have invited the starter band back to play a selection of tunes to accompany a summer's afternoon of riverside-related entertainment. Details of tickets and timings to follow, but all players and anyone under the age of 16 will be admitted for free!
GSCB Spring Fling 2019
Sunday 31st March, 4pm
Goring Village Hall
Following the success of the Starter Band's autumn concerts, the ​GSCB Committee has given its blessing for the Starter Band to perform its own small but perfectly formed spring concert! We are also delighted that the ladies of the WI have kindly agreed to provide us with a stream of delicious teas and cakes on offer before, during and after the concert. The music will be a mix of old and new favourites - from Bond to Bernstein, from Pop to Puccini, from Marches to Minions, and everything in between - so please come come along and help us blow away those winter blues with an afternoon of considerable spring flinginess! Tickets on the door (£5 Adults, £1 Children).
GSCB Starter Band proudly presents.... Halloween Night!
Saturday 3rd November, 7.30pm
Goring Village Hall
The Starter Band ventures into spookier territory for this year's autumn concert. Composers throughout the centuries have produced sinister and mysterious music and we bring you some of the best (as well as some of the most fun!) tunes that go bump in the night for our Halloween Special...
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